Tap Cancer Out!

Registration for Tap Cancer Out just opened last Monday, and we already have seven competitors signed up and ready to go! This is a great tournament with a major fundraising component. The ultimate objective, as you can probably guess, is to end cancer. So far our team has raised more than $850 and, with more than two months to go, we have plenty of time to collect even more!

Proceeds this year go to Alex's Lemonade Stand, which is a truly awesome childhood cancer foundation. Aside from supporting the research needed to find a cure, Alex's Lemonade Stand also uses donations to raise awareness and to support the families of children with cancer. This is a cause that we can all get behind, which is why you'll notice a banner at the top of our website with a link to donate through our team. Every little bit counts, and if you cannot donate directly, we'd greatly appreciate if you could share this post with friends and family. If you've already supported us or have plans to do so, thank you!

We can't wait for this tournament, as it's been a lot of fun in past years. We are still putting together our team, and fundraising has only just gotten started, but we expect this to be our best year yet. See you there!

Donation link: https://wecan.tapcancerout.org/team/151848