Double Arm Bar & Crab Claw
Start with your opponent in guard with his hands on your biceps.
Sweep your arms up and across each other.
End your arm-sweeping motion by grasping both him wrists with thumb-less grips. Your wrists should be crossed at this point.
Transition one of your feet to his hip, and then do the same with your other foot.
Scoot your butt backward (away from him) until his elbows are right above your hips. Do not go past this point, else you won’t be able to finish the move.
Place both legs over his shoulders, with your ankles crossed behind his head.
Keep his wrists tight to your chest, and lift your hips off the ground to finish the double arm bar.
Alternate Finish: Grab the insides of his wrists with both hands, and pull them apart for the crab claw submission.