Between Gi and No-Gi, there are many different grip types used in Jiu-Jitsu. We try to sort them all out for you here.
Thumbless Grip
Wrap your hand around your opponent’s wrist or ankle, keeping your thumb on the same side as your fingers.
Thumb Grip
Grab your opponent’s wrist or ankle with your thumb opposite your fingers.
Lapel Grip (Thumb Inside)
Grab your opponent’s lapel with your thumb on the inside and your fingers on the outside. For grips like the one shown in the picture, curl your fist inward so that the back of your hand is tight to your opponent’s body.
Lapel Grip (Thumb Outside)
Grab your opponent’s lapel with your thumb on the outside and your fingers on the inside. Make a fist, and curl it toward your own forearm, as if you’re revving a motorcycle.
Pistol Grip
Simply grab a fistful of Gi material, and place your thumb over your fingers.
How to grab a Gi sleeve or pant leg:
Use your fingers to pinch the gi material. Then close your hand around it and roll your fist to secure.
Never reach directly inside the opening of the sleeve or pant leg, since your finger(s) can break if your opponent yanks his arm or leg away from you.
Opposing Thumb Grip
Place your palms over each other with your fingers facing opposite directions, as shown. Curl your fingers so that they interlock with each other. Keep your thumbs outside the grip.
Gable Grip
Start with both hands next to each other, with palms facing up and thumbs tight against the sides of your hands. Place your palms perpendicular to each other, and then wrap your fingers around the back of your hands. DO NOT interlace your thumbs.