Class Spotlight: No-Gi Competition Class

Most of our students are already aware of our no-gi competition classes every Tuesday and Friday. Both have been in session for less than a year and grew out of an increased interest in local tournaments as well as a demand for more no-gi classes.

When is competition class?

  • Youth: Every Friday from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
  • Adult: Every Tuesday from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Who are these classes for?

First off, I'd like to state that you do not need to be a competitor to attend either of these classes. If you've never competed in the past and never want to compete in the future, that's 100% okay! The only prerequisites for competition class are as follows:

  • Youth Competition Class:
    • Willingness to follow directions
    • Good listening skills (must pay attention when the instructor is speaking)
    • An understanding of basic positions (front mount, back mount, etc.)
  • Adult Competition Class:
    • An understanding of basic positions (front mount, back mount, etc.)

Adults, if you have recent, previous experience or have taken a couple of classes with us already, then you are likely ready! Good listening skills and a willingness to follow directions are assumed traits for adults.

What are the classes like?

Both the youth and adult competition classes are faster-paced than our academy's other offerings. The techniques are often more advanced, but they are still broken down using Coach Daniel's familiar, step-by-step methodology. Most sessions begin with stand-up work, focusing on taking grips and performing take-downs. There is a greater time allotment for rolling, with situational sparring often making an appearance. In short, the techniques taught in these classes will help your jiu-jitsu, regardless of whether you plan to compete. And yes, even though this is a no-gi class, it will help your gi game as well.

If you have questions about these classes, please ask us!