Academy Updates

As many of you already know, there are some exciting changes taking place here at Relson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy Connecticut. We launched our new website last week and are currently in the process of renovating our facility. Aside from painting, we would like to set up a display case for our retail items, rearrange and expand our seating area, and install padding on a section of wall along the mats. We're also open to suggestions from our members, as all this is meant to benefit you!

Last, we will be blogging about significant news and events involving our academy, including upcoming competitions and seminars, promotions, planned schedule changes, etc. We also anticipate adding a "Member Spotlight" or "Student of the Month" feature next month.

With that, I'd like to thank you for reading and close with a picture of our painting progress thus far. Please excuse the displaced mats; we didn't want to paint them too!
