Guard Pass - Under One Leg
Start in your opponent’s closed guard. Keep your head low and use your hands to secure both his biceps.
Walk both hands down to his hips, starting in the center of his chest.
Secure his hips with both hands by grabbing his pants material.
For No-Gi, just push your palms into his hips.
Pivot your right knee outward so your right leg is at approximately a 90-degree angle to your left leg.
Position your left knee in your opponent’s tailbone, and arch your back to open his guard.
With your right arm, scoop underneath his same-side (left) leg, hoisting it up onto your shoulder.
If he makes his leg heavy, consider the “Under Both Legs” guard pass instead.
Stomp forward with your right leg (near his armpit) while moving your left hand from his hip to his same-side (right) biceps. Since his leg is over your shoulder, this movement should result in his knee being brought close to his face.
Use your right hand to grab his opposite-side lapel, with your thumb inside and fingers outside.
Without changing the placement of your right foot, drive your right knee to the ground. This will trap his same-side (left) arm while stacking him up even more. Rotate your hips so your torso is perpendicular to him, while also bringing your right forearm down across his neck.
Transition your left hand from his biceps to his tailbone, grabbing the bottom of his jacket or the waistband of his pants. Your goal is to keep his hips of the ground.
Use your body to smash his legs down to the mats.
As he untwists his torso and legs, transition to a good side control position.