Low Pass
Start in your opponent’s closed guard. Keep your head low and use your hands to secure both his biceps.
With your head facing toward your right, transition your left hand to his same-side (right) hip, grabbing his pants material.
Transition your right hand to his same-side (left) hip.
Pivot your right arm at the elbow to grab his gi material near his ankle.
Push his left leg down to the ground, using the grip your just obtained.
In one smooth motion, stomp your right foot to the floor to the outside of his legs, and pivot your left leg at the knee so that your left ankle is trapping his left shin.
Slide your right arm across his belt, and sit through to reverse kesa gatame.
Reach your left arm under both of his legs to grab the gi material near the ankle of his right leg.
Pull his legs toward you, and step your left leg over.
Triangle your own legs around his, or grapevine his legs (grapevine shown in the image).
“Sweep the floor” with your right hand, in order to safely get that hand to the other side of his body.
Finish the sweeping motion, and transition to a good front mount position.